Did I do or have I done?

Usage of "Have" and "Did"

Both “Have I done…” and “Did I do…” are both correct. They are different from each other in their usage too. The verb have is called an auxiliary verb, and it is used in the formation of the present perfect tense forms. On the other hand, the verb did is generally used as the past tense form of the verb ‘do’. This is the main difference between the two words have and did.

Meaning of "Have Used"

"Have used" means the using happened in the past and continues in the present. It is the present perfect tense.

Comparison: "Did you Go?" Vs "Have you Been?"

"Did you go?" asks only about going, so it could apply to going and not returning. "Have you been?" recognizes that the person is not there now and asks whether they ever went and returned in the past.

Usage: "Did you Have or Had Fun?"

As Dr Seuss would say, “these things are fun, and fun is good.” Fun is good. But the question “did you have fun” implies a passive reception of fun. As if your kid should have been on the receiving end of the fun. With this small shift in focus we give our kids the opportunity to consider others.

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