Is Grand Zeno dead?

Zeno: Un Viaggiatore Temporale

Even when Goku Black and Future Zamasu killed all the other gods of Future Trunks’ timeline, Shin — with no hesitation — assures that Zeno is still alive, noting that no matter what, the Omni-King cannot be killed, with Whis making a similar claim when Goku brought cabbages to his and Beerus’ world. Tenendo conto di questo. Zeno can be killed by somebody faster than he can see. Dyspo, UI Goku, and Hit may possibly be able to kill the Omni King if they got the chance. They can beat him as much as they want, but they won’t be able to kill him.

Zeno: La Nemesi di Zatch Bell!

Zeno is a villain of the Zatch Bell! series and is the twin and elder brother of the titular protagonist, Zatch Bell. He is the main antagonist for a large portion of the story, though he doesn’t take over as the immediate threat until the Faudo Arc. He is also responsible for the loss of Zatch’s memories.

Battle of Titans: Broly vs. Gogeta

Di conseguenza, would Broly have beaten Gogeta? Quite possibly the strongest Saiyan to date, Broly was the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Super: Broly where he fought against Goku and Vegeta on his father’s commands. However, the two soon fused to become Gogeta and became strong enough to beat Broly without much trouble.

Super Dragon Balls’ Power

Can Super Dragon Ball erase Zeno? If you think about it, since Zeno is the greatest god, he can probably erase the super dragon balls if he wants to. But, the super dragon balls have enough power to grant any wish asked upon so if it were to come down to that, Zeno could be erased.

The Supreme Defeat

Can Zeno be defeated? The only ones who can defeat Zeno are Tori Bot, One Above All, etc who are writers iterations and true omnipotent characters.

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