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Is Elon Musk the real Tony Stark?

Billionaire Elon Musk is an American entrepreneur who was born and raised in South Africa. American billionaire playboy, industrialist and ingenious engineer, Tony Stark is a fictional character created by Stan Lee for Marvel Comics.

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Who inspired Tony Stark character?

Le origini. Il ricco inventore, magnate degli affari e appaltatore della difesa Howard Hughes è stato l'ispirazione per l'alter ego di Iron Man.

Rispetto a questo,, is howard stark based on tesla?

Think of this as a coincidence or my stupid analogy, but yes, Howard Stark of the MCU resembles Nikola Tesla. Both are revolutionary scientists. Tesla is the one who introduced us to Alternating current and gave other brilliant inventions like the tesla coil etc. Are Repulsors possible? Tony Stark's 'repulsor technology' has not been invented yet in real-life, but we do have particle beam weapons, lasers, and 'sound bullets'. In real-life there is some technology similar to repulsor rays that are real or even practicable; most, however, are purely science fiction.

Di conseguenza,, what is the mark 85 made of?

-Titanium Nano-Particles Armor. The Armor features even more advanced nanotechnology compared to its predecessor which not only forms modules but allows for the suit to generate energy fields. The composition consists of Smart Gold-Titanium Nano-Particles, giving the armor greater adaptability, durability, power and flexibility combination. Rispetto a questo,, can we make jarvis in real-life? The answer is yes!

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Che laurea ha Tony Stark?

Tony è stato adottato dai magnati dell'industria bellica Howard e Maria Stark ed è stato ammesso al MIT all'età di quindici anni.

Riguardo a questo,, is zuckerberg a robot?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that he "comes across as robotic" when he speaks and appears in public. Speaking to NBC News, Zuckerberg said: "Historically, I've had a very hard time expressing myself," and added that expressing himself is something he "needs to get better at in running [Facebook]."

Di Sanborn Twedell

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