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Why do tennis players apologize for hitting the net?

When you get a lucky break due to a lucky net cord in tennis, it may deny your opponent(s) fair chance to return the ball. Hence, the apology offers the opponent acknowledgement & solace for not having a fair play opportunity. Point stands as scored & can't be overturned. , Single handed backhands are the best !

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Is hitting the net an airball?

Una palla d'aria è un tiro che manca completamente il canestro, il bordo, la rete e il backboard.

Anche la domanda è:, who has the loudest grunt in tennis?

Maria Sharapova Who grunts the loudest? On the current tour, Maria Sharapova is believed to grunt the loudest, often clearing past 100 decibels on court. Monica Seles and Jimmy Connors have been labelled as the original creators of the "tennis grunt". 30 giu 2021 Why do they change the balls in tennis? Preparing the balls for each tennis match Change the temperature of the ball and you change the pressure of the gas that's inside it, subsequently changing the ball's physical dynamics. During a match, balls are then switched every nine games to prevent players from having to use scuffed or damaged balls.

What is the shortest match in tennis history?

Sandiford 6–0, 6–0 at the 1946 Surrey Open Hard Court Championships in a match that lasted 18 minutes, the shortest men's singles match on record. Why do tennis players grunt? Louise Deeley, a sports psychologist at Roehampton University, believes that grunting is part of the rhythm for tennis players: "The timing of when they actually grunt helps them with the rhythm of how they're hitting and how they're pacing things".

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Usi il suono per valutare quanto duramente il tuo avversario colpisce la palla e anche la direzione del tiro. Non puoi giudicare il tiro se non riesci a sentire il suono della palla sulla racchetta.

Which tennis player has served the most aces?

Ivo Karlović Ivo Karlović has the most career aces with 13,728. He also has the most in a best-of-three-set match with 45 at Halle in 2015. Two weeks later, during Wimbledon, he became the only player to hit at least 40 aces in three consecutive matches. Goran Ivanišević has the most in a single season with 1,477 in 1996.

Di Paterson

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