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Is it an European or a European?

'An' is used before words which begin with a vowel sound. Note that we are talking about sounds and not spelling. For example the word "European" begins with the vowel letter 'e' but it is pronounced with the consonant sound / j /. Therefore we say and write, "He's British but he thinks of himself as a European."

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La classifica dei dati si basa sul numero di persone. I russi sono in Europa e in Asia. I germanofoni includono tedeschi, austriaci, svizzeri di lingua tedesca, alsaziani, lorena, altoatesini e belgi di lingua tedesca. Gli italiani erano 58,0. Ci sono 81 linee per i turchi (Asia ed Europa).

Di conseguenza,, does european take a or an?

Even though European begins with a letter that often represents a vowel sound, phonetically it begins with the consonant /j/. That is why it is preceded by a and not an. Which is correct he is an European? Note that we choose a or an depending on the consonantal or the vowel sound with which the the word that follows is pronounced. Here EU in European produces a consonantal sound, so a (not an) is chosen. “He is a European.”

Is it a or an before Euro?

It's a euro. The rule for using a or an is that we use a before a consonant and an before a vowel. Sometimes, as in the case of euro, a word begins with a vowel in the spelling, but with a consonant in the pronunciation. Euro is pronounced you-roh, and y here is a consonant. Riguardo a questo,, is it an ma or a ma? "An MA" is indeed correct; the reason for this is because the letter "M" is pronounced "em," a vowel sound that should be preceded by "an." Most often, AE speakers will omit the word degree and simply say "an MA in Politics."

What is a European person?

English Language Learners Definition of European : a person born, raised, or living in Europe also : a native or resident of the continent of Europe rather than Britain. : a person who is descended from Europeans.

Di Jamie

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