What does Leonardo DiCaprio think of Johnny Depp?

Leonardo DiCaprio vs Johnny Depp

Leonardo DiCaprio allegedly furious at Johnny Depp. "Leo is livid. He’s banned all his associates, as well as anyone who wants to work with him ever again, from dealing with Johnny. He can’t believe Johnny’s thrown him into his mess like it’s no big deal,” the unnamed source said.

Titanic: DiCaprio & Winslet

Winslet, 46, and DiCaprio, 47, have known each other since they were in their early twenties and launched into mega stardom by "Titanic." "I turned 21 on that shoot, and Leo turned 22,” she told The Guardian.

Collaboration on Movie Sets

Both Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp worked with each other on the sets of What’s Eating Gilbert Grape back in 1997 when they were merely 19 and 23 years old respectively. It’s been 20 years since The Basketball Diaries hit theaters. ET was on set with the adorably young actors, 22-year-old Mark Wahlberg and 19-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio, as their epic, A-lister friendship began to blossom back in 1994.

Leonardo DiCaprio: Acting Career

Is Leonardo a good actor? Natural. He’s in the same league as Tom Cruise or Will Smith, and not among legendary actors. He did great movies with great directors, and that earned him those Oscar nominations. And some people conclude that he’s the best actor ever, which is not true.

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