Come eliminare oggetti carrello eBay?

Come rimuovere un oggetto dal carrello

If you are no longer interested in an item in the cart, select Remove next to the item. You can also use the Save for later option if you still want to keep an eye on the item.

Cosa succede se non pago le tasse di eBay?

A seller can cancel an unpaid order if the buyer does not pay or contact them within 4 calendar days. Non-payment of items is a violation of the Buyer Abuse Policy. All unpaid items are recorded in the buyer’s account.

Come avere una fattura da eBay

Go to the Payments tab – a new window or tab of the Sellers Hub or the Payments section of My eBay will open. Select Reporting. Select the Invoices tab. You will see the list of invoices available for the month.

Dove ritirare pacchi da Wish

To pick up Wish packages, go to Wish. Select the items you want to purchase. If the item you have selected is "available now," you can pick it up immediately by selecting our store "HappyTec" in the "choose a location" section. Complete the payment and go pick up your purchase.

Come diventare un punto di ritiro

To become a Fermopoint pickup location, you need to pay an annual fee that varies depending on the service activated: Activating a Fermopoint requires an annual fee of 49 euros + VAT. Activating a Fermopoint and an Amazon counter requires an annual fee of 98 euros + VAT.

Cos’è Wish local?

Wish Local is a set of programs that allow your store to collaborate with Wish to attract new customers, earn more, and increase sales. When you sign up for Wish Local, you will have access to Sell on Wish, Wish Local Delivery, and many other programs.

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