What is the shape of o3?

Shape and Properties of Ozone

Trigonal planar Ozone has three electron groups around the central oxygen, so has the trigonal planar electron geometry. The molecular geometry is bent.

Shape and Properties of N2

The molecular geometry of N2 is linear. N2 is colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Each nitrogen atom is surrounded by a lone pair of electrons.

H2O2: Molecular Formula and Uses

Is H2O2 a molecule? The molecular formula shows the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of the compound. The molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2; there are two H atoms and two O atoms in each molecule.

H2O2 as Bleaching Agent

How does H2O2 act as a bleaching agent? H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide acts as a strong oxidizing agent both in acidic and basic media. When added to a cloth, it breaks the chemical bonds of the chromophores (colour producing agents). Hence, the visible light is not absorbed and the cloth gets whitened.

Oxidation Reaction of H2O2

Can H2O2 be oxidized by O3? The reaction of ozone with hydrogen peroxide is also a redox reaction but here, ozone is a much stronger oxidizing agent. So hydrogen peroxide acts as a reducing agent and reduces ozone to oxygen. So, option D is correct.

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