Gufosaggio > W > What Is The Difference Between The Forehand And The Backhand?

What is the difference between the forehand and the backhand?

Forehand strokes are hit with the front of the hand leading (like hitting with the palm), whereas backhand strokes are hit with the back of the hand leading (like hitting with the knuckles).

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What does backhanding someone mean?

backhand Add to list Share. When backhand is a verb, it can mean to hit the ball this way, but it more often means to hit or slap someone with the back of your hand. What is smash in badminton? The smash shot is hit with power and speed downward into the opponent's court. The angle and the steepness of the shuttlecock's trajectory make it hard for the opponent to retrieve and return.

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- If a player deliberately distracts an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures. 'Let' is called by the umpire, or by a player (if there is no umpire), to halt play. A 'let' may be given for any unforeseen or accidental occurrence. The rules of badminton consider the following as 'lets': How do you beat a man defense?

Di Nena Truitt

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