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When was basketball invented?

1891 Springfield College alumnus James Naismith invented basketball on campus as a graduate student of the College in 1891.

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What is a backcourt in basketball?

Backcourt 1 è l'area vicino alle linee di confine posteriori o alla parete posteriore dell'area di gioco in una rete o in un gioco di campo. Una squadra di basket ha una metà difensiva del campo.

Di conseguenza,, can you take two steps after you stop dribbling?

You can dribble, then stop the dribble (or pick up your dribble) then take 2 steps if you are still on the move. You cannot dribble, pick up your dribble, stand for a second, then take 2 steps. That's a violation. That's the rule. Can you step back without dribbling? In the NBA the player may still use either foot to pivot, this can give the look of a player being allowed to take two steps, but the no rule book phrases it that way. These same rules apply when catching the ball after dribbling or “picking up your dribble”. So no, you cannot take 4 steps without dribbling the ball.

La gente chiede anche:, what is it called when you dribble and your hand is underneath the basketball?

Carrying is a violation in the game of basketball. It occurs when the dribbling player continues to dribble after allowing the ball to come to rest in one or both hands. The problem arises when the ball-handler slides their hand too far down the side of the ball and has their hand below it. Di conseguenza,, what kind of foul which 2 or more teammates commit personal foul against the same opponent at approximately the same time *? double foul A double foul occurs when two opponents both commit personal fouls or both commit technical fouls against each other at approximately the same time.

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Why is palming allowed in basketball?

Portare il pallone da basket è una violazione che si traduce in un turnover quando viene chiamato da un gestore di palla. Palmare la palla rende più facile il controllo.

Riguardo a questo,, how many points is a free throw worth?

one point A free throw is worth one point. Free throws are awarded to a team according to some formats involving the number of fouls committed in a half and/or the type of foul committed. La gente chiede anche:, what happens when a ball goes out of bounds is the player who hit the ball out of bounds out if the ball was touched out of bounds is that player that touched the ball out? If the ball is out of bounds because of touching or being touched by a player who is on or outside a boundary line, such player causes it to go out. A player shall not cause the ball to go out of bounds.

Di conseguenza,, what is it called when you accidentally hit someone on the arm while they are shooting the basketball?

Although, there is plenty of legal contact between players, some contact is considered illegal. If an official decides that the contact is illegal, they will call a personal foul. It's generally called when you hit another player on the arm during shooting or when trying to steal the ball.

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Can you touch someone while defending in basketball? :: Why is palming allowed in basketball?
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