How did Wanda get her powers?

She gets her powers from the mind stone, which is embedded in the Sceptre Loki used in the first Avengers film. The only two survivors of Hydra’s experimentation are Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. While her accent disappeared completely in the fantasized American sitcom world seen in WandaVision, Olsen explained that the change is one of Wanda’s own making "because she’s trying to hold on to an American sitcom world and play the part the best she can." For the majority of the Marvel show, Wanda speaks with an American accent, ditching the Sokovian accent Scarlet Witch was first introduced to the MCU with.

Evan Peters’ Quicksilver follows a long tradition of sitcom recastings. WandaVision had to recast Pietro to further solidify its sitcom influences, setting up bigger surprises. On, Sokovia was under a state of heavy turmoil, when shooting took to the streets. American forces coordinated an air raid over the city of Novi Grad, deploying bombs and mortar shells over the city. Multiple buildings, including residences, were damaged. Sokovia is a fully fictional country from the Marvel Cinematic universe, located somewhere near Czech Republic and Austria.

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