Why did Ultron like Wanda so much?

Connection between Wanda, Ultron, and Mind Stone

Remember Wanda’s power and Ultron came from the Mind Stone. They do share a connection. Ultron seems to be really interested in the way the power of the Mind Stone developed in Wanda.

Wanda’s Influence on Hulk

What did Wanda show Hulk in ‘Age of Ultron’? Wanda had shown Bruce Banner his fear.

Future of Wanda and Vision

Will Wanda and Vision get back together? Vision himself gives the strongest defense of Wanda and Vision’s continued Marvel Cinematic Universe romance in his “farewell” speech to Wanda.

Plot of WandaVision

Wanda basically has a mental breakdown that results in the death of her husband Vision, Hawkeye, and a bunch of other people.

Magneto’s Daughter

Polaris (Lorna Dane), Magneto’s daughter, makes her live-action debut in this feature.

Wanda’s Awareness of Actions

Wanda proves she is fully aware of what she is doing when she confronts the SWORD agents massing outside of the Hex. She drags their drone back to them and uses her power to turn all of the agents’ guns on Director Hayward.

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