Gufosaggio > W > Who Put The Buttons On Nells Eyes?

Who put the buttons on Nells eyes?

According to Gugino, Olivia is also places the buttons over Nell's eyes while she's in her casket — an action that infuriates Shirley and the others. “Nell loved her buttons, and it's her way of making sure Nell is at peace,” Gugino added.

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What made Hill House evil?

Then after Poppy's husband, William Hill (i.e. the ghost in the bowler hat that follows Luke) dies, the two women had nowhere else to go, grew old, and died in that house together. That festering hate built and built between the two over the years, and it sounds like that's what made Hill House evil. What was the Red Room for each person? It was a toy room for the young and rambunctious Nell. A family room for the lonely Shirley. A treehouse when Luke needed to get away. It also effectively serves as a waystation between the living and the dead; it's where the house converts people into fuel.

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