Gufosaggio > W > Why Are My Videos Not Getting On The Fyp?

Why are my videos not getting on the FYP?

The main reason why you're not getting on the FYP is that you're either posting low-quality content, not using the right hashtags/description, or not posting at the right times.

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Why am I getting a lot of views on TikTok but no likes?

Questo è normale su TikTok. TikTok mostra tutti i video pubblicati sulla piattaforma ad alcune persone sulla loro pagina Per te per vedere, se alla gente piace o meno. Il video verrà visualizzato a un numero ancora maggiore di persone se ottiene un elevato coinvolgimento con questa spinta iniziale.

Allora,, what does clearing cache do on tiktok?

Clearing cache will not delete anything important, so there's nothing to worry about. It'll just free up some storage space on your device. Alternatively, you can clear cache from your device settings if you're using an Android device. You can do so by going to your settings > apps > TikTok > clear cache. Does TikTok shadow ban if you delete videos?

Does liking your own TikTok help?

Liking your own videos probably will not work. At the end of the day, people like content because they enjoy it, and that is not going to change if you artificially inflate the number of likes you have. Successivamente,, why does my tiktok have 0 likes? TikTok has removed the amount of likes on each individual video a user posts. It is thought that the popular social media app has experienced a glitch, causing every TikToker's profile to show as having zero likes on a video, despite displaying the total at the top of the page.

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Why am I getting less likes on instagram2021?

Ci saranno nuove regole nel 2021. Facebook si è allontanato dai Mi piace per un po 'di tempo. Molti utenti di social media non vedono più il numero di Mi piace sui post. Le modifiche all'algoritmo nell'ultimo anno hanno reso più difficile ottenere Mi piace.

Riguardo a questo,, why do my tiktoks get barely any views?

There are a lot of reasons your TikTok videos are getting no views. It can be that your previous videos haven't got enough progress or you are doing something that is not acceptable by the TikTok platform.

Di Hartley Menefee

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