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Will my drafts delete if I delete TikTok?

Drafts will remain indefinitely on your TikTok account. Once you post them, however, they will no longer show up as drafts. It must be noted, however, that if you uninstall the TikTok app, you will lose all your saved drafts.

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Di conseguenza,, do saved videos on tiktok take up storage?

its called the app space, where app can store its data. with the time when you keep watching TikTok videos, the size of the cache keep increasing and at one point, it can be in Gigabytes. Tenendo conto di questo,, is 500 views on tiktok good? If it's more of a serious topic, the view count is actually decent, because such videos are almost non-existent of TikTok and still if you are getting 500 views in an hour, that's commendable. That's a good start for a viral video.

How can I get TikTok famous overnight?

8 Ways To Get Followers, Become Popular and Get TikTok Famous Consistently Post High-Quality Content. Find Your Niche. Think Outside the Box. Identify Trends and Join In on Them. Embrace Who You Are. Accept That Your Content Won't Be What Everyone Likes. Network With Other TikTokers. Collaborate With Brands. Di conseguenza,, how many views does it take to go viral? YouTube personality Kevin Nalty (known as Nalts) recalls on his blog: "A few years ago, a video could be considered 'viral' if it hit a million views", but says as of 2011, only "if it gets more than 5 million views in a 3–7-day period" can it be considered "viral".

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How many reports does it take to delete a TikTok account?

Ti ricorderanno anche le regole. Quanti rapporti TikTok devono essere eliminati? Ci vogliono meno di 24 ore per elaborare 10 report. A volte l'elaborazione può durare fino a 3 giorni.

Di conseguenza,, why is my fyp so boring?

TikTok's algorithm tracks how long your interact with the video. If you see a video that does not have very many likes on your for you page, swipe as fast as you can to the next video. The algorithm will notice that you are not spending any time watching the bad videos and stop showing them to you.

Di Stacia

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