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How do I save a TikTok draft without posting it?

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Why is my TikTok under review right after posting?

Se vieni colpito dal messaggio TikTok in revisione, di solito significa che qualcosa è stato segnalato - in genere violenza nel video, sangue o disinformazione su un argomento sensibile. A volte le recensioni si verificano su video che non dovrebbero.

Di conseguenza,, what happens if i delete and reinstall tiktok?

No, your videos will not be deleted if you uninstall the TikTok app. The video will also be intact if you reactivate your TikTok account after 30-days. Si può anche chiedere:, why does tiktok use so much battery? Videos were played in Tik Tok were looped. So until you pause them it will keep going on. This will also drain the battery faster additionally every time you swipe up or down the video gets loaded and since it is a small video the complete video gets streamed instantly and uses more data.

Anche la domanda è:, what does the m mean on tiktok cache?

What's the Cache? Head to your profile to find it, tap on the vertical or horizontal ellipsis in the top right, then scroll to the bottom to "Clear cache." Here, you'll likely see a number with an "M" next to it, which many people believe stands for "millions." What M really stands for is megabytes. How do you see how many TikToks you've watched? How to see how many TikToks you have viewed on an Android Launch the TikTok application. Tap on the Profile icon on the bottom right. Tap on the three horizontal lines on the top right. Select the option “Watch History” if it is available.

Di Lamond

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