How many hours should we use phone?

Experts Recommendations on Screen Time

Experts recommend limiting screen time to less than two hours per day.

Excessive Smartphone Use

Constant checking of phones and using apps excessively can lead to social issues.

Positive Effects of Smartphones

  1. Improves communication and connection.
  2. Helps with organization.
  3. Assists in emergencies.
  4. Provides access to a wealth of information.
  5. Offers resources for health and wellbeing.

Reasons to Limit Smartphone Use

Excessive smartphone use can negatively impact psychological health and lead to feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem, as well as irritability and impatience.

Effects of Smartphone Overuse

Depression, low self-esteem, and social isolation are common dangers associated with excessive smartphone, tablet, and social media use.

Negative Effects of Smartphones on Youth

  1. Peer pressure.
  2. Cybercrime.
  3. Affected relationships.
  4. Social media addiction.
  5. Fear of missing out (FOMO).
  6. False idolization and expectation.
  7. Cyberstalking.
  8. Difficulty making friends in real life.

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