Do we say much people or many people?

Difference between "Many" and "Much"

“Many people,” is correct. “Much people,” is always incorrect. “Many” should refer to multiple individuals; “much” means a large amount of some kind of stuff, commodity or substance.

Usage of "Many" and "Much"

La gente chiede anche:, is it more people or many people? They are both correct. Many people = a large number of people. Most people = a majority of the population. Rispetto a questo,, what is correct much or many? Much is used to describe mass nouns or noncount nouns like juice, rice, patience, and happiness. When using much, the noun will always be singular; it cannot be plural.

Using "Many" with Countable Nouns

Many is used to describe count nouns or nouns that can be counted like books, ideas, leaves, and shoes. Can much be used for people? The reason why this is so important is because MUCH is always used with uncountable nouns, and MANY is always used with the countable nouns. For example, there were MANY PEOPLE at the last RealLife English party.

Synonyms for "Many People"

Tenendo presente questo,, what’s another way to say many people? What is another word for many people? army array gathering horde host legion masses mob multitude posse

Using "Who" or "That" with "Many People"

Anche la domanda è:, who is for many people? Specifically, I would say that it is fine to use either "that" or "who", but "who" can only be used to refer to people, while "that" refers to things and people. One should favour the word "who", if they want to clarify that it is a person, and not a thing, that they are talking about.

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