Can Savitar defeat Superman?

Wally West’s Speed and Abilities

Superhuman Speed: Wally is capable of moving at incredible superhuman speeds. He was able to cover 7,000 miles in 6.25 seconds, and even accelerate far beyond light-speed to the point of entering the Speed Force dimension. He is faster than both Superman and Barry Allen, having beaten both in separate races.

Wally West’s Family

Wally’s father, Rudolph West (a Manhunter agent), was presumed deceased following an explosion in Cuba during the Invasion series. He reappeared years later at, among other places, his ex-wife Mary West’s (Wally’s mother) second wedding.

Savitar’s Identity

It’s official: The Flash has confirmed the identity of Savitar to be… Barry Allen. Well, a Barry Allen, revealed in the closing moments of the most recent episode to be one possible future for the hero speedster.

Hunter Zolomon as Zoom

Hunter Zolomon was better known as Zoom, a speedster super-villain and enemy to the Flashes. Surviving alterations to the timeline, he dubbed himself The True Flash.

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