What did dettlaff turn into?

Fight with Dettlaff in Blood and Wine Expansion

In his rage, he tries to attack Geralt but Regis intervenes and fights Dettlaff. The two vampires battle and Regis is eventually smashed into a brick wall. Geralt continues the fight with Dettlaff, who after taking damage transforms into a skeletal vampire beast.

Finding Anna Henrietta and Post-Game Activities

After the events of The Beast of Toussaint, Geralt can find the duchess in the northwestern corner of the central courtyard of Beauclair Palace where they can chat about the knightly tournament and how she met Dandelion.

Consequences of Choices: Saving Anna or the Orphans

Rookie. There’s no way to save both. Anna is punished specifically because the children got away. Saving her means leaving them where they are, most likely to have been eaten by the time Geralt returns with the Baron for Anna.

The Fate of the Baron’s Wife, Anna

When the company arrives, they find her in a crazed state due to Geralt’s actions during "The Whispering Hillock." The Baron, however, remains confident he can save his wife by taking her to a hermit in the Blue Mountains. After Tamara reluctantly agrees to let them go, The Baron takes Anna away.

Impact of Not Talking to Syanna

If you didn’t do any of the above requirements, Syanna will kill her sister and Damien shoots a crossbow bolt, killing Syanna. Time passes and Geralt will talk to a local seller. No matter what you say, she’ll give you the flowers she intended to leave at Anarietta’s grave herself.

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