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How do you use Shangri-La in a sentence?

So where is Shangri-La? This is the definition of my Shangri-La; the town should have a good hospital where my child will enter this world and, if Martha want's to, she can work enough hours to utilize her skills. It was like his Valhalla, his Shangri-La.

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What is another word for Eden?

In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for eden, like: garden, innocence, utopia, paradise, bliss, heaven, garden-of-eden, nirvana, meadows, riverside and gardens. What is a synonym for baroque? ornate, fancy, very elaborate, over-elaborate, curlicued, extravagant, rococo, fussy, busy, ostentatious, showy, wedding-cake, gingerbread. 2'a baroque prose style'

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Riesci a sorprendermi ogni volta che siamo insieme. Ogni volta che Carmen se ne andava, piangeva. Non posso andare in spiaggia se qualcosa non va per la mia strada.

Tenendo presente questo,, what is the synonym of paradise?

Synonyms & Antonyms of paradise Camelot, Cockaigne, Eden, Elysium, empyrean, fantasyland, heaven, lotusland, When did Shangri-La come out bo1? Shangri-La Release Date Location Remakes Himalayas View All

Di Colner

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