Who does John Walker turn into?

John Walker: The New Captain America

The United States government chose John Walker to become the new Captain America, believing him to be the embodiment of America’s greatest values and an inspiration for everyone. He first appeared in Captain America #323 (November 1986) as Super-Patriot. He was later redesigned as an incarnation of Captain America and, a few years later, as U.S. Agent. Wyatt Russell portrays John Walker in the Marvel Cinematic Universe streaming television series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021).

John Walker Becomes a Super Soldier

As Morgenthau fled, Walker found the sole remaining vial and later injected himself with it, becoming a super soldier.

John Walker’s Moral Compass

John Walker may not be evil to his core; rather, it’s a series of unfortunate circumstances that brought someone like him to a nefarious happenstance. Walker did indeed fall from grace after he lost his temper when his partner, Lamar Hoskins, was killed by the Flag-Smashers.

Relationship with Ego and Villain Status

John Walker’s father, whoever he is, is not Ego. Ego has, as far as we know, only one surviving offspring: Peter Quill. No, but Wyatt Russell (John Walker) is the son of Kurt Russell, who did in fact play Ego. So the actors are father and son, the characters are not. This horrendous act didn’t occur in the comics, but it clearly drew inspiration from his comic arc. Though Walker received a great deal of hate from fans over this, it’s important to note that neither version of him is a true villain.

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