QNA > W > What Is K In Rupees?

What is K in rupees?

Good Question !

It seems still people are interested to know about the GK based Questions.

Now coming to the Point. What is K in Rupees form ?

Thousand is having 3 Zero (000 ) means when you are adding 000 after 1.

So it will called 1000 ( One Thousand ). This 1000 is called k in short Form.

Now Definition of K :- French took the Greek word “ Chilioi “ and shortened it to “Kilo “. Then they change it and came up with the Matric systems and introduces Kilo as 1000.

Means you've to multiply the constant value(numeric number) by 1000 to replace K.

If you buy a Mobile Phone in Rs.15k . Now 15 is that constant (numeric value ).

See the Calculation below :-

Mobile Price := 15K

15x1000= Rs 15,000

More Example :-

3k= 3000

2.5k= 2500

170k= 170,000

I hope now you are more clear about the K.

If I am wrong somewhere pls comments me so that I can correct my self.

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Di Linnie

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