QNA > W > What Are The Net Plans For Jiofi?

What are the net plans for JioFi?

Jiofi is a portable broadband device which enables multiple users and mobile devices to access jio's 4G connectivity.

The net plans for Jiofi is dependent on the plans you chose (prepaid or postpaid plans) in Jio sim inserted in the Jiofi device.

You can check the available plans in Jio through the link---> Prepaid & Postpaid 4G Data Plans

Some of the highly used plans in Jio are

Prepaid plans

  1. ₹149 (total 4.2 GB for 28 days validity)
  2. ₹309(total 49 GB for 49 days validity)
  3. ₹399(total 70 GB for 70 days validity)
  4. ₹459(total 84 GB for 84 days validity)
  5. ₹499(total 91 GB for 91 days validity)

Postpaid plans ( has some security deposit and also the validity is billing cycle means per month)

  1. ₹309 (30 GB)
  2. ₹409 (20 GB)
  3. ₹509 (60 GB)
  4. ₹799 (90 GB)

Currently high limit after full usage of the plan is 64 kbps.

È anche importante notare che i seguenti piani sono applicabili ai membri prime, quindi l'utente, se non è un membro prime, deve sottoscrivere l'abbonamento prime @ ₹99.

Spero che questo sia utile

Di Kylynn Anderjack

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