QNA > I > In Pokémon Go, What Are The Best Pokémon To Level Up For Combat?

In Pokémon GO, what are the best Pokémon to level up for combat?

The ‘best Pokemon’ depends on the quality you are most interested in: Attack, Defense, or Stamina.

The Silph Road has conducted extensive research on the stats and the results can be seen here:

Pokemon GO Tools, References, and Stats

Sorted by Attack:

  1. Mewtwo (not yet available)
  2. Dragonite
  3. Moltres (not yet available)
  4. Flareon
  5. Zapdos (not yet available)
  6. Exeggutor
  7. Arcanine
  8. Victreebel
  9. Mew (not yet available)

Sorted by Defense:

  1. Articuno (not yet available)
  2. Blastoise
  3. Mew (not yet available)
  4. Dragonite
  5. Hitmonchan
  6. Mewtwo (not yet available)
  7. Poliwrath
  8. Omastar
  9. Venusaur

Sorted by Stamina:

  1. Chansey
  2. Snorlax
  3. Wigglytuff
  4. Vaporeon
  5. Lapras
  6. Jigglypuff

Finally, the website also information on the best combined stats. Obviously, what combination best suits you is down to your own judgement. This is the output from The Silph Road:

  1. Mewtwo (not yet available)
  2. Dragonite
  3. Mew (not yet available)
  4. Articuno (not yet available)
  5. Snorlax
  6. Moltres (not yet available)
  7. Zapdos (not yet available)
  8. Lapras
  9. Arcanine


The Silph Road research has shown which Pokemon are most powerful based on statistics. Other criteria to consider are:

  • Type weakness - although it is not as high as in the games, there is still a 1.25x multiplier on attacks if the defending Pokemon is weak against that particular type. Similarly there is a 0.8x multiplier on resistance. La ripartizione completa può essere trovata qui.
  • Disponibilità - questo articolo sostiene che Vaporeon è uno dei migliori Pokemon da ottenere, perché gli Eevees richiedono solo 25 caramelle per evolversi.
  • Processo - vorrai usare la polvere di stelle saggiamente se stai potenziando un Pokemon. Questo articolo mostra il guadagno di CP per ogni Pokemon. Riprende alcune delle selezioni di cui sopra: Snorlax, Arcanine, Vaporeon, Dragonite, Lapras tra gli altri guadagneranno più CP per Power-Up.

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