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How to make voice to text in Tamil


ya..you can able to convert your voice as text using Speech_Recognition packages and with google translator package in python.I tried up to voice to text conversion with the help of google translator package u can able to convert your text in Tamil.First pass the mp3 file to recognize voice and text then use translator API to convert it in Tamil and i hope this will useful for you.

for translating text to Tamil you can use this…


  1. import speech_recognition as sr 
  2. from gtts import gTTS 
  3. # language='ta'r = sr.Recognizer() 
  5. with sr.Microphone() as source: 
  6. print("Say something!") 
  7. print(source) 
  8. audio = r.listen(source) 
  9. print(r) 
  10. print(audio) 
  11. UserSaid = r.listen(source) 
  12. print(UserSaid) 
  14. try: 
  15. print("Google thinks you said:\n" + r.recognize_google(audio)) 
  18. except: 
  19. passif UserSaid: 
  20. print("It worked!!") 
  21. # mytext=UserSaid # myobj = gTTS(text=mytext, lang=language, slow=False) # myobj.save("hello.mp3")else: 
  22. print("Not working, yet") 

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