QNA > W > What Is The Best Class Setup For Good Guns In Phantom Forces Roblox?

What is the best class setup for good guns in Phantom Forces Roblox?


  • You get the gun in moderately early rank, so no worries about leveling.
  • It has literally no recoil with a compensator.
  • Laser accuracy.
  • ACOG to remember Bandit
  • You’ll probably get at least a kill each death, because of its fire rate, even with low damage per shot. All you need to do is hold down Shoot while aiming through the acog. Always stay on the guy you’re shooting at. You don’t need recoil control, nor skill. Just spray and pray.

KSG 12-

  • Broken ass gun
  • You can kill in midrange
  • Add a grip and reflex, and maybe a laser.
  • You get this in low ranks, so again, no need for leveling.
  • You just need moderate reflexes and a hand. Just have a Deagle for secondary, as you might need range.


  • Easy to use
  • No need for leveling, as you get this gun low rank
  • I prefer an ACOG on it, but most scopes work.
  • Una pistola da usare se si vuole contrastare i cecchini senza il fastidio di usare un fucile da cecchino.
  • Di solito ci vogliono due colpi per uccidere.

Questo è tutto, onestamente. Non gioco molto a questo gioco, ma queste mi sembrano le migliori armi di basso livello. Inoltre, aggiungete un ACOG per tutte le armi tranne i fucili a pompa. Solo preferenze personali, forse, ma sembrano le migliori e funzionano meglio.

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