What were the smartest strategic technology acquisitions?
To help others answer this better...
There's a great list here -- http://www.ranker.com/list/the-smartest-tech-startup-acquisitions-ever/ready-to-startup
And a google doc here (itemized below) -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Ag0BxADNLZqgdHdzYVR3a3BoM09jLUxNMC1lMDk2amc&single=true&gid=0&output=html
- Geocities - Yahoo
- Broadcast.com - Yahoo
- Webshots - Excite@Home
- Mapquest - AOL
- eGroups - Yahoo
- Paypale - Bay
- Blogger - Google
- Picasa - Google
- Webshots - CNET
- LiveJournal - Six Apart
- Flickr - Yahoo
- Dodgeball - Google
- MySpace - News Corp
- Skype - eBay
- IGN - News Corporation
- Upcoming.org - Yahoo
- del.icio.us - Yahoo
- Grouper - Sony
- YouTube - Google
- Last.fm - CBS
- StumbleUpon - eBay
- FeedBurner - Google
- Jaiku - Google
- Bebo - AOL
- Zappos - Amazon
- Mint.com - Intuit
- Aardvark - Google
- Huffington Post - AOL
- Gowalla - Facebook
- OMGPop - Zynga
- Instagram - Facebook
- ...
And here -- http://techcrunch.com/2009/12/18/top-tech-acquisitions-2009/
...Which is part of this -- http://www.crunchbase.com/acquisitions?page=1