QNA > C > Come Impostare Un'area Di Stampa In Autocad

Come impostare un'area di stampa in AutoCAD

Sorella, qui sto dando una risposta alla tua domanda con un esempio supponiamo che tu debba stampare il piano/oggetto nella foto mostrata sotto.

  1. Tipo comando PAGESETUP

si aprirà una finestra del page setup manager come mostrato sopra

2. clicca su modifica o nuovo

3. seleziona la stampante preferita, il formato carta, l'orientamento, poi clicca ok e chiudi la finestra del page setup manager.


ora hai configurato il page setup.

Puoi stampare in due modi diversi.

Il primo:-

  1. Premere ctrl+P
  2. si aprirà una finestra chiamata plot
  3. selezionare la stampante, paper size (if any change you want other than previously configured page setup)
  4. Then specify what to print in plot area

Display - objects now displaying in screen

Extents - Fits whole objects within the sheet (extent-area covered)

limits- all objects within the limits (whole sheet)

view - specific view port

window - specified area/window

go for window

asks for the first point and opposite corner select (covering all objects you want to print. as show below


then hit enter

take a preview (plot window - bottom left corner button)

Another way is working in layout tab/paper space.

you can go through the tab which is beside the model tab at the bottom of the drawing area.


or go through the command



Erase existing viewport

type command MV then hit enter

specify the print area within the dotted border


adjust the drawing/object by using zoom/pan controls

to in and out of the created viewport use PS and MS commands

then as usual use plot command (ctrl+P)

then select the layout in the plot area section

preview if you want

To close the preview use ESC (escape key)

when you satisfied with the preview click ok.

Thank you.

Di Loring Baggett

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