QNA > H > How To Convert An Html5 Game Into Android Game

How to convert an HTML5 game into android game

If you need to convert Html5 game into android game, you can use Apache Cordova (formerly Phonegap).

In addition to this you can also convert your game for other platforms like iOS, Windows Phone,Ubuntu,Firfox OS,Fire OS ,WP8 and Blackberry.

Its a free and open source tool with easy command line interface.

You can install it through npm package manager and create the apk file in few lines of commands.

A number of tutorials are availabe across the internet.

Cordova also provides no. of plugins for device interface like :

  • Camera
  • Contacts
  • Device Motion
  • Geolocation
  • Media
  • Vibration
  • Spashscreen

So, you can also make your app more powerful as compared to web apps.

It also provides a mobile app named "Phonegap" for debugging and accessing the web app during development through IP address of system.

However, I myself started with HTML5 game development. Since the advent of HTML5 canvas, it has became very powerful for game development.However, If you are making a full fledged interactive game , then you will have to use physics, basic navigation, score display , no of levels.

So, its better and more convenient to start with the web frameworks instead of re-inventing the wheel.

A no. of javascript libraries are available like:

  • Construct2
  • ImpactJS
  • EaselJS
  • Phaser
  • Pixijs
  • Three.js
  • Wade
  • Cocos 2d-X
  • Physics js

And no of them are free to use with excellent examples with few libraries like Wade for cross platform app building.

However, I myself was struggling through these libraries with each one of them having their own style and commands. Il miglior strumento di sviluppo di giochi che ho trovato è Unity game engine.

Fornisce lo sviluppo di app 2D/3D cross platform dove è possibile codificare in Javascript o C#.

Ha uno dei migliori motori fisici, rete multiplayer, interfaccia user friendly, editor di sprite, controlli di animazione, AI avanzata, VR, asset store e un eccellente forum.

Puoi scaricarlo gratuitamente, e pubblicare le tue applicazioni con autenticazione completa se la tua app rende meno di $100k all'anno o altrimenti puoi comprare una versione Unity Pro.

Così, è uno dei migliori motori di gioco se non vedi l'ora di fare un gioco fantastico come Pokemon Go, Clash of Clans, Candy Crush, ecc.

Grazie per aver chiesto :)

Di Herod

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