QNA > H > How To Get The Mysql Module To Start In The Xampp Control Panel

How to get the MySQL module to start in the XAMPP control panel

  1. A2A. 

A) Windows : Is the panel as shown below ?


Check the my.ini. Is it similar to:

  1. # Here follows entries for some specific programs  
  2. # The MySQL server 
  3. [mysqld] 
  4. port= 3306 
  5. socket = "C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock" 
  6. basedir = "C:/xampp/mysql"  
  7. tmpdir = "C:/xampp/tmp"  
  8. datadir = "C:/xampp/mysql/data" 
  9. pid_file = "mysql.pid" 
  10. # enable-named-pipe 
  11. key_buffer = 16M 
  12. max_allowed_packet = 1M 
  13. table_cache = 64 
  14. sort_buffer_size = 512K 
  15. net_buffer_length = 8K 
  16. read_buffer_size = 256K 
  17. read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K 
  18. myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M 
  19. log_error = "mysql_error.log" 
  21. # Change here for bind listening 
  22. # bind-address=""  
  23. # bind-address = :: # for ipv6 

Check if xampp/mysql is properly installed. Try “cd xampp/mysql/bin” followed by mysql -u root -p. If it responds with a


then MySql is running.

Otherwise uninstall/reinstall xampp.

B) Ubuntu Linux:

xampp is normally installed under /opt/lampp.


/opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run starts the control panel.

Go to Manage Servers tab.


Start the MySql Database

Open a new terminal and type:

mysqladmin -u root -p status

You should see a result similar to:


Mysql is running. You can use the command mode interface with

mysql -u root -p

Di Malina

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