QNA > P > Perché Qualcuno Dovrebbe Ancora Usare Un Flip Phone Nel 2020?

Perché qualcuno dovrebbe ancora usare un flip phone nel 2020?

Questo dovrebbe essere divertente :p


Sono attualmente un ragazzo di 10 anni con un telefono flip, ed è fantastico! Non posso letteralmente dirvi la quantità di persone che sono venute a parlare con me per questo.

Ecco il mio flip phone:

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Inoltre, chiamarlo "iPhone FlipX" mi ha procurato parecchie risate.

Comunque, come ogni cosa, ha i suoi pro e i suoi contro:


  • Non si rompe ed è robusto come un dannato diamine.

Una volta l'ho lanciato attraverso lo spogliatoio solo per testarlo, funziona ancora lol! Mi è caduto così tante volte

  • E' personalizzabile!

E sì, ho un fiocco e un pop-socket sul mio telefono flip lol. I could paint this if I wanted to, put gems on it or who knows what else. It’s practically invincible and I can do anything I want to it w/ no case.

  • It has fm radio?

Idk if this is a pro lol cuz there’s i heart radio or whatever, but it’s pretty cool. Just plug in ur earbuds and u can listen to music pretty quickly.

  • It’s a great convo starter!

“Hannah, is that a pop-socket on your flip phone?”

Why yes, yes it is lol. It’s even funnier to talk to some of the 6th graders w/ actual iPhones.

  • I never really get in trouble for keeping it on me in class lol.

Do I really have to explain this one?

  • My parents never check my phone

It’s a luxurious life, I know lol


  • I hate frickin texting on it lol.

I mean, I have gotten pretty fast at texting on a flip phone, but it’s just better for calls. I try to minimize my texting on it as much as possible.

  • Everyone asks you when you’re getting a real phone.

lol, someday, someday.

  • Picture transferring is interesting lol.

I mean, I have pictures on my flip phone, but they really only stay on there. I can’t really get pics over messages either for some reason. Sooo when I want to take “real” photos of stuff I have to…

  1. Steal my mom’s phone
  2. Take said picture
  3. Email the picture from my moms phone to my email
  4. Then I can download the pic to my computer

I have a whole folder in my email labelled “random pics” lol.

So yea, buy one at your own risk lol, they’re pretty fun if you ask me.

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