QNA > W > What Are Eleven Demands Of Mahatma Gandhi?

What are eleven demands of Mahatma Gandhi?

This truth is not taught in schools and colleges.

The eleven demands of Gandhi ji made to Lord Irvwin were :-

(1) Prohibit intoxicants, liquor

(2) Change the exchange ratio between the rupee and the sterling,

(3) Reduce the rate of land revenue,

(4) Abolition of salt tax,

(5) Reduce the military expenditure,

(6) Reduce expenditure on civil administration,

(7) Impose custom duty on foreign cloth,

(8) Accept the Postal Reservation Bill,

(9) Abolish the CID department,

(10) Release all political prisoners, and

(11) Issue licenses of fire arms to citizens for self-protection.

Gandhi made it clear that if the 11 points are ignored, the only way out was civil disobedience. È scioccante sapere che Jawaharlal Nehru condannò queste richieste definendole anticlimax.

◆Di seguito il testo del libro Mahatma Gandhi di Shankara Ghose, dove troviamo la menzione di queste 11 richieste fatte dal Mahatma Gandhi.


Per i lettori Hindi:

Ecco il pamphlet che riporta questi undici danda di Gandhi che fu ampiamente diffuso nel pubblico.


Di Sabra Zellner

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