QNA > H > How To Launch A Fragment From An Activity On Button Click In Android

How to launch a fragment from an activity on button click in Android

Create onClick listener for the button. In the listener method initialize your fragment and use fragmentTransaction to display fragment.

Code to write inside listener method for button:

  1. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction; 
  2. FragmentManager fragmentManager; 
  4. Class fragmentClass=null; 
  5. private Fragment mFragment; 
  7. Notes notes_fragment; // fragment instance of current fragment 
  9. fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); 
  11. mFragment = new CreateNewNote(); // CreateNewNote is fragment you want to display 
  13. fragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.content_fragment, mFragment); // content_fragment is id of FrameLayout(XML file) where fragment will be displayed 
  15. fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(frag_no); //add fragment to stack 
  16. fragmentTransaction.hide(currentFragment).commit(); // hide current fragment 

You may need to do changes in the above code according to your application. Il codice di cui sopra viene dalla mia applicazione dove sto usando NavigationDrawer e onClick per ogni elemento di NavigationDrawer viene visualizzato il frammento corrispondente.

Se vuoi posso caricare questo particolare file java..

Spero che aiuti..Chiedi se hai qualche dubbio..

Di Claudy

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