QNA > H > How To Resize 'Latest Post' Thumbnail Image In Soho Template On Blogger

How to resize 'Latest Post' thumbnail image in Soho template on Blogger

There is a Blogger feature that allows for resizing and croping of images.

  1. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FAI4RSiR7Tw/WG2ay53zTLI/AAAAAAAAAA4/EwJCSUtphJgv91ttCk0vKycSpH_f1ZbCwCLcB/w490-c/xhpn28ulyn8-toa-heftiba.jpg 

is the square version of

  1. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FAI4RSiR7Tw/WG2ay53zTLI/AAAAAAAAAA4/EwJCSUtphJgv91ttCk0vKycSpH_f1ZbCwCLcB/w490/xhpn28ulyn8-toa-heftiba.jpg 

/w490/ indicates that the image max width is 490px -c indicates a centered crop.

If you want to indicate a max height instead of max width then replace the w for h.

You can also indicate the height and with of the image like this:

  1. https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FAI4RSiR7Tw/WG2ay53zTLI/AAAAAAAAAA4/EwJCSUtphJgv91ttCk0vKycSpH_f1ZbCwCLcB/w600-h900-c/xhpn28ulyn8-toa-heftiba.jpg 

/w600-h900-c/ indicates that this image is 600px by 900px cropped.

You should locate the part of your template that displays the thumbnails and replace that code with something like this.


Just replace the 128 for the size that you want.

Detto questo dovresti cercare "Blogger image resize operator" e troverai alcuni articoli che ti aiuteranno ad ottenere ciò che vuoi nel tuo template di blogger.

"Blogger image parameters" è un'altra ricerca consigliata.

Ricordati di fare un backup del tuo template prima di fare qualsiasi modifica.

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