Come salutare in chat?

Alternative Ways to Start a Conversation

  1. Hey!
  2. We e Weilà
  3. Hola.
  4. Chi si rivede!
  5. Chi non muore si rivede!
  6. Buongiorno.
  7. Buon pomeriggio.
  8. Buonasera.

Formal Greetings

The most correct formula for formal greeting is always "Buongiorno" or "Buonasera," using the polite form until the most important person suggests switching to informal.

Greetings on WhatsApp

  1. Hey!
  2. We e Weilà
  3. Hola.
  4. Chi si rivede!
  5. Chi non muore si rivede!
  6. Buongiorno.
  7. Buon pomeriggio.
  8. Buonasera.

Closing a Mail

  • Informal: Un abbraccio, un caro saluto, a presto + Name.
  • Formal: Buona continuazione, buona giornata, buon proseguimento … + Name/Surname.
  • Very formal: Distinti saluti, cordiali saluti + personal details.

Closing with Thanks in an Email

Expressions to close a mail thanking someone:

  • Thanking in advance for the kind collaboration, I offer cordial/distinct greetings.
  • Thanking for the kind attention provided, I offer cordial/distinct greetings.
  • While waiting for a reply, I remain available for clarification and offer cordial greetings.

Informal Letter Closure

The closure of an informal letter should match your relationship with the recipient. Choose from "Yours," "Take care," or "Regards." For a more intimate ending, opt for "Hugs," "Big hugs," or "Thinking of you always." Sign your name.

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