Come si dice Facoltà di Giurisprudenza in inglese?

Top Law Schools in Europe

  • Università di Oxford, Regno Unito
  • Università di Cambridge, Regno Unito
  • UCL, Regno Unito
  • La London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Regno Unito
  • King’s College di Londra, Regno Unito
  • L’Università di Edimburgo, Regno Unito
  • Queen Mary University of London, Regno Unito
  • KU Leuven, Belgio

Duration and Requirements for Studying Law in the United States

A course of law in the United States lasts three years and requires a bachelor’s degree for admission. After completing the three years, one can become a lawyer by passing an exam shortly after graduation.

Steps to Become a Lawyer in the USA

Becoming a lawyer in the United States involves completing a bachelor’s degree and taking the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) for admission to law school. The LSAT, offered four times a year, is a 175-minute test.

Pursuing Law in America with an Italian Degree

After obtaining an undergraduate degree, one can apply to prestigious American law schools. If pursuing a degree in Italy, it is essential to complete both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree, as American undergraduate courses are typically four years.

Law Universities in Italy

Italy has a total of 34 law universities, including prestigious institutions like Bocconi University and LUISS University. In Lombardy, students can choose from various universities offering law programs.

Key Subjects in Law Studies

Common subjects in any law program include Private Law, Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law, Administrative Law, Philosophy of Law, Commercial Law, Constitutional Law, and Criminal Law.

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