How did Trevor Meet Ron?

Ron’s Role in GTA V Online

Ron is first seen with Trevor when he meets the GTA Online Protagonist. He then gives the Player missions for Trevor, occasionally calling to remind the Player about Crate Drops. He is later seen helping Trevor in Series A Funding often being the person the Crew meets at the end of each setup mission.

GTA V Map Size

Question: What GTA has the biggest map?
Southern San Andreas Games: GTA V.
Based on: Southern California.
Description: The map from Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online is currently the biggest map in the entire Grand Theft Auto series.

Longest GTA Game

Question: What is the longest GTA game?
The longest game in the series is the popular San Andreas.

GTA 3 Setting

Question: What city is GTA 3 in?
Liberty City.
Set within the fictional Liberty City (loosely based on New York City), the story follows Claude, a silent protagonist who embarks on a quest for revenge that leads him to become entangled in a world of crime, drugs, and gang warfare.

Getting Millie’s Security Card

After successfully gaining Millie as a girlfriend, access to her security card must still be acquired to continue in the Caligula’s path. There are two ways to achieve this; either by dating her enough to raise the "Progress with Millie" stat to at least 33%, or by killing Millie on the first date.

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