How do I ask HR for visa status?

Process for Visa Transfer

Simply email the recruiter that you worked with and ask them what the process is for getting/transferring your visa. They will put you in touch with the correct person that handles immigration for the company.

EAD and Sponsorship

In the case of EAD’s, people often wonder if they need an employer to sponsor them. Employer sponsorships are not required as part of the process to obtain an EAD.

Asking for Visa Sponsorship

How do I ask my boss for visa sponsorship? There are several ways to go about this. If you are looking for a new job, make it clear that you want to be sponsored at your final interview. Set up a formal discussion with your boss after several months at the job.

OPT and Sponsorship

La gente chiede anche: does opt mean sponsorship? OPT is a type of F-1 off-campus work authorization for degree-seeking students who wish to gain experience in jobs directly related to their major area of study. Other Characteristics of OPT: No employer sponsorship needed. Students must be enrolled for one year before applying for OPT.

Cost of Visa Sponsorship

How much does it cost a company to sponsor a work visa? In general, a visa sponsorship costs approximately $4000 but may cost $8-9,000 if a company has more than fifty employees and 50% of those employees are foreign nationals.

Canadian Employer Sponsorship

Can Canadian employers sponsor work visas? Canadian employers can hire foreign workers either on a permanent or temporary basis. There are several options to choose from, based on your needs. It all starts with a job offer.

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