How do I enter stdin?

Python Syntax

STDIN a= Console. Readline(); 
b = Console. Readline(); 
scanf("%d,%d", &num1, &num2) 
printf("%dln", a+b);

Asterisk Usage in Python

Here single asterisk( * ) is used in *args. It is used to pass a variable number of arguments to a function, mostly for non-key arguments and a variable-length argument list.

Python Output Parameters

The end and sep parameters are optional in Python. The end parameter prints after all the output objects in one statement, and the sep parameter differentiates between the output objects.

Python Unbuffered

Setting PYTHONUNBUFFERED to a non-empty value ensures that Python output is sent directly to the terminal without buffering, allowing real-time viewing of the application output.

fflush Function Safety

Calling fflush() on an output stream, like fflush(stdout), is safe and well-defined. It delivers any pending output to the operating system.

Disconnecting Stream in C Programming

The function that disconnects the stream from a file pointer in C programming is fclose(). It flushes the buffers associated with the stream.

Output of Mathematical Operation

The output of print 11 + 3 is 14.

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