How do I know if a PDF is safe?

Check PDF Security

Launch Acrobat Reader, then double-click on the name of the Acrobat file you want to open. Select "Document Properties" from the "File" menu. Examine the security limitations imposed on your document. Notice the padlock icon at the bottom of your document window.

Are Free Ebooks Safe?

Yes, but only if you download them from reputable websites or the store on your device. Unless it’s from a trusted retailer, some ebooks may contain malicious software that can install malware, spyware, and viruses in your computer.

Virus Scanning

After downloading a file or email attachment, simply right-click the file and select the option to scan with your Antivirus software. If you want to scan more than one at a time, hold down the Ctrl key while you clicking each file you want to scan. Then right-click and select to scan with your Antivirus software.

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