How fast Is Hunter Zolomon?

Since Zoom is faster than Barry in season 2, that means he can also time travel, to time travel he would need to go at around 900 MPH.

Savitar’s Lightning Color

Why was Savitar’s lightning Blue? Well, Savitar (Evil Barry) is a time remnant of current Barry, so his lightning color would logically be orange. The lightning is blue because of the suit, which protects him when he runs at his fastest speeds.

Building of Savitar’s Suit

Anche la domanda è:, who built savitar’s suit? In Season 3, Legacy built the practical suit used for the season’s big bad, Savitar.

Why did Savitar suit turn red? Because this Barry, our Barry, will never be Savitar. Savitar realized, staring up into those glowing eyes, that red suit, that since Barry hadn’t created any time remnants, it was Barry himself who was now destined to become Savitar someday.

Di conseguenza,, why does godspeed hate bart? He hated Bart simply because the latter made him realize that artificial speed is a pale imitation of the power of real speedsters, who possess a natural connection to the Speed Force. August’s rivalry with Bart escalated so much that he murdered Bart’s mentor, Jay Garrick, right in front of him.

What did Godspeed do to Bart? Bart, though, was easily bested — levitated to the rafters by Godspeed’s speed-sapping energy beam, before Barry used one of his son’s slick “phasing” moves to derail the sinister speedster.

How many flashes are there? Thus far, at least five different characters—each of whom somehow gained the power of "the speed force"—have assumed the mantle of the Flash in DC’s history: college athlete Jay Garrick (1940–1951, 1961–2011, 2017–present), forensic scientist Barry Allen (1956–1985, 2008–present), Barry’s nephew Wally West (1986–2011.

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