Is Upleap safe to use?

Safety of Upleap

Well, you’ll be happy to know that Upleap is 100% safe. I haven’t found nor experienced any safety issues associated with this service. From the website and payment options to the real followers that don’t jeopardize your account, you have nothing to worry about when using Upleap.

Limit on Unfollows

How many Unfollows a day Instagram? Typically, people are permitted to follow or unfollow up to 200 users per day. If your page is comparatively new, this figure may be limited to 150. Besides, your following/unfollowing activity must look natural.

Unfollowing on Instagram

How do I unfollow 1000 followers on Instagram? There is no way to unfollow everyone on Instagram with one selection, and Instagram limits you to about 200 unfollowings per hour. To unfollow everyone, unfollow people individually in groups of 200, wait about an hour and then unfollow 200 more until you’ve completed your list.

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