Is Vegeta’s base form stronger than Goku’s?

Vegeta vs Goku Strength

Vegeta is not stronger than Goku in Dragonball Super. But Vegeta Base form as well as SSB is more powerful than Goku’s thanks to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber Training. But in Tournament of Power their Gap had even wider thanks to KKx20 and Ultra Instinct and Mastered Ultra Instinct.

Vegito’s Power

Is SSJ Vegito universal? Super Saiyan God Goku, when Goku first used this form, was universal in destructive power, thus he would obviously destroy Super Vegito (DBZ). However, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito (Future Trunks/Zamasu Arc, DBSuper) was easily low/mid multi-universal in destructive power.

Vegito’s Origin and Strength

Why is Vegito called Vegito? The name Vegito is derived from Vegita and Kakarotto, which is the Japanese pronunciation of Kakarot, Goku’s Saiyan name. Vegito is the strongest character within the original Dragon Ball manga, and one of the most powerful characters in the entire series overall. As a fused Saiyan, his power is a result of the combined power of Goku multiplied by Vegeta, amplified many times over.

Veku – Failed Fusion

Who is Veku? Veku fighting Super Janemba Veku (ベクウ, Bekū) is the failed attempt at Goku and Vegeta fusing into Gogeta. He is a fat and embarrassingly weak fusion fighter, named by South Kai in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn from Vegeta and Goku.

Vegito’s Transformation Capability

Could Vegito have gone Super Saiyan 3? Gotenks was formed by Trunks and Goten who were both Super Saiyans. Gotenks could go SSJ3. Vegito was formed by Goku and Vegeta who were SSJ3 and SSJ2. So no doubt Vegito could reach SSJ3 too.

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