Should I upgrade from GTX 1060 to RTX 2060?

Since the 1060(6gb) is still capable of playing games of the current gen at 60+ fps with decent settings, and I don’t think the difference in power is significant enough to upgrade, I personally wouldn’t upgrade to the rtx 2060 and probably wouldn’t upgrade for at least 2-3 years.

Future-Proofing with RTX 2060

È RTX 2060 sicuro per il futuro? If you consider its raw performance against the latest games, the RTX 2060 can only "future proof" you for a short time.

Alternative Option: Radeon 5700XT

The Radeon 5700XT, che costa quasi la stessa cifra della RTX 2060, offre una scelta migliore con una potenza simile, se non superiore, alla RTX 2070 Super.

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