Who is the slowest person in flash?


The opposite of the Scarlet Speedster, Bizarro Flash is sad instead of exuberant, and overweight instead of lean, and can barely run at all, though he does possess the ability to fly at light speed. When strictly comparing running ability, there’s no question that Bizarro Flash is the slowest.

Barry Allen: The Fastest Man Alive

Is Season 4 Barry faster than Savitar? Yes, Barry in Season 4 was stated to be the fastest Speedster that’s ever been. Caitlin confirmed that Barry is officially the fastest man alive.

Can Barry run as fast as Savitar? The show indicates that Barry is faster than Savitar. Savitar is known to run 187,765 mph per second, while Barry’s speed reaches only 2,532 mph.

The Smartest Speedster

Barry Allen from Earth-Prime is considered the smartest speedster after reaching Mach 13.2 from tachyons and continuously increasing his speed levels, surpassing all other speedsters during his time in the Speed Force.

Bart Allen’s Potential

Bart has unique potential to become the fastest man alive due to his special connection to the Speed Force following Infinite Crisis events. Despite this, he has not consistently proven to be faster than Barry or Wally.

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