Why is Zoom’s lightning Blue?

Hunter Zolomon and Zoom in The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

Zoom has blue lighting only after consuming Velocity drug which enhanced his speed. Before taking velocity he also had yellow lighting same as Barry. In the second season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Hunter reappears as the Black Flash in the episode "The Legion of Doom", chasing after Eobard Thawne and seeking to drag him into the Speed Force; since he was erased from existence in The Flash but brought back to the timeline in Season 3, he should not exist. Di conseguenza,, why does hunter zolomon look like jay? Labs, Zolomon uses his Time Remnant — a younger, past self — and convinces him to pose as Jay. This Time Remnant, according to Hunter, was the “Jay Garrick” he killed before the breaches closed.

20 apr 2016 Anche la domanda è:, what is flash’s top speed? 2,532 miles per hour According to The Flash, Allen’s top speed is Mach 3.3, or 2,532 miles per hour. Barry is more than your average speed demon, too; by tapping into the Speed Force, an extra-dimensional energy source, he can move backwards and forwards in time and even across dimensions.

Hunter Zolomon vs. Eobard Thawne: Speed Comparison

Is Hunter Zolomon faster than Wally? Hunter Zolomon is faster, he exists in his own timeline and has complete control over his timeline. He can speed himself up or slow himself down. He can speed himself as much as he wants, while Wally can’t run as fast as he wants. Who is faster Eobard Thawne vs Hunter Zolomon? This has a clear cut implication that Reverse Flash is faster than Zoom. Now the point of the answer is that some versions of Reverse Flash(Eobard Thawne) are faster than Zoom(Hunter Zolomon). And some versions of Zoom are faster than Reverse Flash.

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