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Who is the slowest superhero?

Snailman (Slowest Superhero in the World) Powers/Abilities: Snailman can walk up walls (he says "creep," but that's referencing his lack of speed, rather than his style of movement) and moves slower than a three-legged tortoise. In costume or out, he leaves behind a sticky "snail trail" wherever he walks.

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Who is the slowest superhero?

Il supereroe più basso del mondo può camminare sui muri e muoversi più lentamente di una tartaruga a tre zampe. Ovunque cammini, si lascia dietro di sé una scia di lumache appiccicose.

Who is the smartest superhero?

Harvard or Columbia? The Top 10 Smartest Superheroes In Comics Mr. Batman. Iron Man. Oracle. The Atom. Hank Pym. Beast. It should come as no surprise that Beast makes this smartest superheroes in comics list. Amadeus Cho. At the tender age of 15, Amadeus Cho entered an academic competition for gifted youngsters. Inoltre,, who is the fastest supervillain? Here are the 15 Fastest Supervillains In DC Comics, Ranked. 8 Stayne. 7 Ares. 6 Amazo. 5 Future Flash. 4 Eobard Thawne. 3 Inertia. 2 Godspeed. 1 Hunter Zolomon. Hunter Zolomon might be a controversial pick for the top spot, given that he doesn't actually possess any speed powers, but this was never a list of pure speedsters.

Di conseguenza,, who is superman equivalent in marvel?

Hyperion The alternate versions are each from a different dimension of the Marvel Multiverse, and consist of both heroes and villains. Thomas says that the character was intended as a pastiche of DC's iconic hero Superman. Hyperion (comics) Hyperion Publisher Marvel Comics Altre 8 righe Di conseguenza,, who will win thor or superman? In terms of the power to lift and move large objects, Superman has a stronger edge against Thor. Thor may have been able to move objects that weigh as much as planets, but the Silver Age Superman not only pushed actual planets out of orbit all the time, but even went so far as to move entire galaxies on a whim.

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Who is the slowest person in flash?

L'opposto dello Scarlet Speedster, Bizzarro Flash è triste, sovrappeso e riesce a malapena a correre, anche se possiede la capacità di volare alla velocità della luce. Quando si tratta di abilità di corsa, Bizarro Flash sono i più lenti di tutti.

Di conseguenza,, who would win dr strange vs superman?

Dr. Strange's powers are so versatile that he has a chance at beating Superman, at least Superman in character. Superman has no special resistance to magic, so to beat Strange, he'd need to use his speed to avoid any dangerous, magical attacks.

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