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Who is most powerful superhero?

The Hulk Bruce Banner found himself transformed into a monster known only as "Hulk." The details of the pair's symbiotic relationship might change, but at the end of the day, superhero comic books have one unbreakable rule: Hulk is the strongest one there is, and that's really all there is to it.

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Who is most powerful superhero?

Bruce Banner è stato trasformato in un mostro. I dettagli della relazione della coppia potrebbero cambiare, ma alla fine della giornata, i fumetti di supereroi hanno solo una regola: Hulk è il più forte che ci sia.

Anche la domanda è:, who is stronger thor or hercules?

Originally Answered: Who is stronger, Hercules or Thor? According to Marvel, Hercules is stronger. Of course most of the world interprets “stronger” as “would beat in a fight”.

Di Curkell Outlaw

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