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Who won L'or light?

In the end L won because it was his successors who proved Light was Kira. Kira being caught was the end goal, regardless of L being alive when it happened which is why from the beginning he said he had to prove he would risk his life.

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L is arguably the most popular and beloved character in the series, even more so than Light Yagami. He is also the one person who was able to go up against Kira and nearly win. Was Light Yagami narcissistic? Yagami's aggression is clearly egosyntonic, and he develops paranoid tendencies out of fear that others will find him out. With a mix of narcissistic, antisocial, and paranoid traits, Yagami fulfills Kernberg's criteria and can be considered a malignant narcissist. Light Yagami is an iconic character in manga.

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12 The Origin Of L's Nickname The name Ryuzaki actually came from another child from Wammy's House, the orphanage that raises genius children and L's successors, Near and Mello. A child named B was obsessed with beating L, and eventually begins a series of crimes in an attempt to outsmart him. Si può anche chiedere:, why is l always barefoot? 5. Why He's So Dishevelled. Once more, this is part of his charm: he loves sugar, doesn't sleep, always squats, and never wears shoes or neat clothes. His physical appearance is just one more quirk to endear the audience to him, like many a superhero or supervillain costume.

Di Fitzsimmons Overocker

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